
הכיבוש הבריטי והירדני

British and Jordanian occupation

1918 – British occupation. 1925 – The community recovers. The rise of the Slobodka Yeshiva "Knesset Yisrael".

1929 – The 1929 riots, the massacre of the Jewish community of Hebron, about 70 Jews were murdered, the expulsion and the destruction of the settlement,

1931 – the return of part of the community to Hebron

1935 – The Admor of Gur visits Hebron and ascends to the 11th level in the Cave of the Patriarchs.

1936 – The expulsion of the Jews of Hebron by the British

1948 – The establishment of the State of Israel Jerusalem, Hebron, with all of Judea and Samaria, were conquered by the Jordanians

1960 The destruction of the Jewish Quarter and the cemetery in Hebron Avraham Avinu Synagogue becomes a waste stream and an animal pen

1964 – 1965 – American archaeologist Prof. Philip Hammond discovers the "walls of giants" in Tel Hebron.

מאמרים בהיסטוריה

מאמרים בהיסטוריה
מאמרים בהיסטוריה

תקופת ההתנחלות והשופטים

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