COVID-19 RESPONSE: Send your prayers to Hebron

Your prayers will be read outside the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron.

With the global COVID-19 situation, many people are in need of blessings of healing, protection, and livelihood. Therefore Hebron’s Jewish Community is committed to maintaining a stream of prayers from around the world flowing through the traditional prayer site at the tombs of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah. 
The Jewish community of Hebron has responded by offering to recite prayers on behalf of others. 

Please visit and use the form to send your prayer. 
While synagogues and houses of worship are closed around the world, the Israeli government has authorized limited prayer quorums at only two locations: the Western Wall plaza in Jerusalem and at the Rochelle Berkowitz Plaza outside the Tomb of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron.
In response, the Jewish community of Hebron held a live streaming Facebook prayer service which included special prayers for world healing which garnered over 13,000 views. More live streams are planned. 
Ironically, 2019 marked Hebron’s biggest tourism year of all time with visitor’s topping over 1 million. In March, tourism dropped to zero.
The annual Passover music festival which usually attracts between 25,000 – 30,000 people has been cancelled, as has every other event in the country. The Tomb of Machpela nevertheless was cleaned and prepared for Passover by a two-man maintenance team wearing gloves and face masks. Prior to the complete closure, the site was disinfected multiple times, as the government step-by-step imposed stricter measures to protect citizens from the virus. 
The Jewish community of Hebron’s international Yishai Fleisher noted that a member of his own family in the United States passed away due to COVID-19. He recited a special Mi Shembeirach prayer for health and healing in front of the Tomb of the Patriarchs while wearing gloves.
“May all our prayers be answered fully and speedily. Blessings from Hebron,” he stated. The community has maintained a positive attitude and hopes to use their proximity to the holy site as a benefit to all who seek a connection.
The Tomb of the Patriarchs is the ancient burial site of the Biblical founding fathers and mothers. The Cave of Machpela, as described in the Book of Genesis, in located under the towering Herodian edifice which was built 2,000 years ago. It is a traditional place of prayer and supplication, usually attracting over 700,000 people a year.
In the year 1619 a great epidemic broke out in Hebron and most of its inhabitants fled to Gaza for safety. Among them was the great poet Rabbi Israel Najara and Rabbi Avraham Azulai. It was during this plague that the story of the Avraham Avinu synaogues stems. According to legend, a mysterious stranger arrived to complete the prayer quorum during a time when most had left the city. For the complete story click here

United States contact info:
1760 Ocean Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11230


Israeli contact info:

coronavirus cleaning at the maara with hillel 2


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