“Terror Won’t Defeat Us” – American inured in Hebron vows to Return

Eli Borochov was shot in the thigh by an Arab sniper on Shabbat Chayei Sarah; but Eli’s father promised that next year he will return to Hebron for Shabbat parshat Chayei Sarah, along will his children.

The youth from Long Island who was wounded in a terror attack while spending Shabbat in Hevron has recently returned to New York along with his father.
Eli Borochov was shot in the thigh by an Arab sniper and taken to Sharei Tsedek Hospital. He was released from the hospital this afternoon, along with his friend who was also wounded in the same attack.
“The bullet entered and left his leg. This was a great miracle from heaven,” Eli’s father, Ronen Borochov, told Arutz Sheva. “I don’t understand how it could be that the American embassy is not interested in the victim’s welfare even though the hospital updated them when it turned out that a Jewish American youth was wounded. They didn’t care at all.”
At the same time, Ronen says that the Israeli authorities cared for his son from the moment that he was wounded until they reached the airport. “I want to thank the wonderful doctors at Sha’arei Tzedek, the Hevron yeshiva, and all the good Jews, both religious and not religious, who took care of all of our needs from the moment we reached the hospital. ‘Who is like you, Israel?’ Is is very moving.”
He further promised that next year he will return to Hebron for Shabbat parshat Chayei Sarah, along will his children. “Terror won’t defeat us – the answer to the terrorists is that I will come to Hevron, not only with just one child but with my whole family.”
To visit Hebron:
United States contact info:

1760 Ocean Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11230

In Israel contact the offices of the Jewish Community of Hebron at:
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