TODAY: Emergency One-Day Fundraising Campaign!

Today, December 2, 2015, is an important day for the Biblical sites, the families, and visitors of Hebron, Israel. The Hebron Fund is holding a 24-hour urgent fundraiser to help the the second holiest city in the world (after Jerusalem) survive and thrive.
Through “Charidy”, a special crowdfunding campaign in support of Hebron is happening only today. This unique program quadruples donor dollars by providing three fund matchers for every contribution. This means that for every $1 contribution, The Hebron Fund will receive $4.00. The Hebron Fund’s goal is to raise $500,000 in one day in order to continue its crucial programs.
The Hebron Fund, a not-for-profit charitable organization, actively provides humanitarian aid to needy Hebron families, supports the maintenance of the city’s many holy sites, including the Cave of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs, holds educational programs for children and youth, assists with tourism and public relations, and supports the well-being of Hebron’s many soldiers.

“The Hebron Fund is the Hebron Jewish community’s official sponsor,” notes the Executive Director, Rabbi Dan Rosenstein. “With the recent incessant increase in terror attacks surrounding Hebron, we are really relying on our past and new friends to join in this campaign. The funds will go directly towards protecting and saving lives in Hebron.”


Hebron, considered the second most important site in Judaism, is home to the Tomb of Patriarchs and Matriarchs, also known as the Machpela Cave, where a half a million visitors and pilgrims arrive annually. While the city has 3,800 years of Jewish history, the growth of the modern Jewish community, which numbers nearly 90 families, has been stymied by the Hebron accords, two Intifadas and government red-tape. The city’s 180,000 Arabs are mostly affiliated with Hamas and many of the recent attacks have originated in Hebron.


“It is of paramount importance that world Jewry and the global friends of Israel make it clear with words and actions that Hebron will always remain in Israel’s control. Hebron is the genome of Jewish peoplehood and the gateway to the Bible – but efforts of the Jihad and international agents to erase Jewish history here endanger the very legitimacy of the State of Israel” said International Spokesman Yishai Fleisher.


Recently, residents of the area, Rabbi Yaakov Litman and his son Netanel were murdered by a Palestinian terrorist as they drove to a family pre-wedding celebration near Hebron. On the other hand, Hebron is home to mass gatherings and pilgrimages including the Sukkot, Passover, and Shabbat Chayei Sarah – the Sabbath when the Torah portion describing Abraham’s purchase of the Machpela Cave is read – draws tens of thousands to the holy city.


Maintaining the safety, success and accessibility of this Biblical city is crucial. “Your donation today has never meant more to Hebron,” notes Rosenstein. “With your help we can purchase bulletproof vests for our dedicated security personnel, allows us to setup CCTV camera systems at schools, keep renovating the holy sites, and even provide the needed therapeutic trauma relief counseling and activities to Hebron’s children.”


The realization that a $100 donation instantly grows into a $400 gift or an $1,800 becomes $7,200 is a tantalizing to people who want to support Jewish Hebron. The campaign runs from Wednesday, December 2 at 2:00 pm EST – Thursday, December 3rd at 2:00 pm EST.
“Given the situation we face, the success of this campaign really has historic significance,” said Rosenstein. “The welfare of its Hebron’s residents and sites should be a top priority for anyone who appreciates keeping this Biblical city safe and available for all.”


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