MK Oded Forer Visits Hebron, Parents of 13-Year-Old

Member of Knesset vows to increase housing, security after multiple terrorist attacks.

(Photo: MK Forer views Torah scrolls dating back to the 1500s used by the Jews who escaped the Spanish Inquisition by fleeing to Hebron.)
Member of Knesset Oded Forer (Yisrael Beiteinu) visited Hebron to view the security measures being implemented following the recent attacks.
“It’s time to charge a high price for the actions of terrorists and their supporters,” he stated.

(Photo: Taking a “selfie” in front of the Tel Hebron archaeological park, where artifacts engraved with the words “To the King, Hebron” have been discovered.)
He added that the only way to defeat terrorism is to enact a heavy punishment for terrorists on the one hand and to reinforce Jewish communities where the attacks occur on the other hand.
Last week, the elaborate mezuzah on the Tomb of Machpela, donated in memory of terrorist victim, was ripped off. The vandals were not caught, but the incident occurred during Ramadan prayers when the Tomb complex was reserved for Muslim services only.
On Thursday, 13-year-old Hillel Yaffe Ariel was stabbed to death in her bedroom by a terrorist intruder from the neighborhood Muslim community of Bani Na’im. Another resident of Bani Na’im later infiltrated into Hebron and was stopped attempting to stab several soldiers.
Also on Thursday, an infiltrator from the PA Authority region stabbed two people in the coastal city of Netanya.
On Friday, Rabbi Michael Mark of the Hebron Hills region town of Otniel was killed by a terrorist shooting. Both victims were buried in Hebron’s ancient cemetery.

(Photo: Viewing the thriving economic sprawl of Hebron’s H1 region, under PA jurisdiction.)
The tour began with MK Forer paying a condolence call at the home of Hillel Yaffe Ariel. “There is no way to comfort parents who lost their daughter,” said MK Purer. “The face of evil was revealed in full force. But we can, and will triumph in the end.”
He added, “there is a direct line connecting the 1929 massacre in Hebron and the stabbing today. The motive is the same — hatred. The answer to that hatred is building more Jewish communities in Israel.”
Later the tour, MK Forer visited the Tomb of Machpela, site of the ancient burial caves of the Biblical Matriarchs and Patriarchs.
(Photo: MK Forer at the Avraham Avinu Synagogue, built in 1540 by Rabbi Malkiel Ashkenazi.)
The synagogue was one of the highlights for MK Forer as he viewed the ancient Torah scrolls, first used hundreds of years ago by the returning Sephardic Jewish community who escaped to Hebron after the Spanish Inquisition. The Torah scrolls, now in regular use at the Avraham Avinu synagogue survived the riots of 1929.
MK Forer was hosted by the CEO of the Jewish Community of Hebron Uri Karzen, spokesperson Noam Arnon, and former MK Orit Struck.
He is the latest elected official to visit the city, being preceded last week by MK Roi Folkman (Kulanu) and the week before by Deputy Knesset Speaker Nava Boker (Likud).
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Knesset Member Tours New Hebron Archeological Excavation
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