Eli Ben-Dahan participated in the reading of lamentations at the Tomb of Machpela.
Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan visited Hebron on Tisha B’Av. The day is marked by fasting and prayer as a commemoration for the First and Second Holy Temples in Jerusalem which were both destroyed on the same date.
Ben-Dahan stated,
“Today is the 9th of Av, and thank God, thousand of Jews are coming here to pray, and we all expect to see the final redemption soon. Today, on the 9th of Av, we also remember Rabbi Akiva, who knew how to see through the destruction of the Second Temple, and the foxes going about on the Temple Mount, and visualize the building of the Third Temple. We are hopeful, with the help of God, to see the Third Temple built speedily in our days.”
Eli Ben-Dahan has visited the many times in the past. He is the latest in a series of elected officials to visit the city this summer including Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, Minister Ze’ev Elkin and others.
- Also on Tisha B’Av, a tour of the Cave of Otniel took place. Visits to the ancient tomb are rare because it is located in the H1 section of Hebron under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority. For more information on the holy site of Otniel Ben Knaz, first judge of Israel click here.
Another connection betwene Hebron and Tisha B’Av is the Herodian architecture found in both the Western Wall in Jersualem, a reminant of the Holy Temple and in the Tomb of Machpela complex. The walls of Elonei Mamre, located in H1 Hebron are another example of this style of Herodian masonry.
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