Sid Miller signed the first ever trade agreement between a US state and Judea / Samaria.
(PHOTO: “Here I am with one of the members of the Israel Defense Forces protective detail that is providing security for our trade mission to Israel. I have never felt safer! These young IDF Soldiers do a tremendous job keeping the people of Israel safe and I am honored that they are volunteering their time to escort our delegation.” Source: Sid Miller Facebook page.)
Sid Miller, Texas Agriculture Commissioner and former member of the Texas House of Representatives visited Hebron in March and toured the Tomb of Machpela among other sites.
Miller was in Israel to promote business ties with the United States, specifically the state of Texas. He signed a trade agreement with Samaria Regional Council during his 10-day trip which included finding new markets for Texas ranchers and learning about Israeli agriculture technology. He also revived a broader Texas-Israeli exchange program that went dormant under his predecessor, Todd Staples, reported the Texas Tribune.
“Israel is our strongest ally in the region. Texas needs Israel,” Miller stated. “The US needs Israel and Israel needs the same cooperation back. I am ashamed to say that we have some in our universities boycotting Israel, so this is to counter that culture,” Miller said.
In Hebron he met with Israel Defense Force soldiers and viewed the urban sprawl of PA controlled Hebron from the Observation deck in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood.
(PHOTO: Sid Miller of Texas stands at the site where 10-month-old Shalhevet Pass was murdered by a terrorist sniper during the Second Intifada in 2000.)
United States contact info:
United States contact info:
1760 Ocean Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Israeli contact info:
* Australian MP Visits Hebron with Knesset Member
* VIDEO: US Governor Mike Huckabee Visits Hebron
* US Congress Members Inspired During Visit to Hebron