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Bus Routes Expanded for Hebron

Three new bus routes have been launched for Hebron and Kiryat Arba.
As of January 6, 2017, the old 160 line has been discontinued and replaced with the


Line 380 – from Jerusalem to Kiryat Arba.

Line 381 – from Jerusalem to the Tomb of Machpela, Hebron

Line 382 – from Jerusalem to Kiryat Arba through Karmi Tsur


The Egged Taavura subsidiary will now be running these

The Jewish Community of Hebron applauds the creation of these bus lines and
welcome increased access to Hebron from around the country.


Look up your route on Egged’s English website by clicking

Visit website for the Egged Taavura subsidiary by clicking here.


Line 160, the Final Stop

by Elimelech Karzen

I always loved the Hebron-Jerusalem line.


Once it was just “060.” The route ran from the old central bus station in
Jerusalem down Jaffa Road, turned on King George and then made a right on Hebron


Then we drove past Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem, Halhoul, into Glass Junction
to Kiryat Arba and finally to the Tomb of Machpela in Hebron.


At some point it changed to 160, and so it remained.


Bus 160 to the Cave of the Patriarchs was part of daily life, like 405 to Tel
Aviv, (or 480 if you want the train station).

This line took me every day back and forth to school, or to a fun day with my
grandparents. As a soldier riding the good old 160, I could catch up on sleep. To this
day every time I see it, it brings back old memories.


That is, as long as I can see it from the outside, and not as a


In recent years, bus 160 has become something of a travel nightmare. Not
because of the drivers, who are professional and dedicated in challenging driving
conditions. There’s the weather, the winding roads and you get caught in a stoning
attack now and then, and sometimes something even more serious.


The point is this – the Ministry of Transport requires that the Egged bus
company run this line using bulletproof buses only. Anyone who has traveled through
Judea and Samaria is probably familiar with this model vehicle. 


These buses develop a particularly high rate of wear and tear, some looking
like they’ve been through the Gulf War. 

But as long as they still run, that’s what matters. Sometimes they get stuck,
and once in a while have the tenancy to catch fire. And the sealed bulletproof windows
can sometimes get a little claustrophobic. Sometimes I would imagine I was in the
armored division liberating Bab El Wad. 


But it’s time to leave sentimentality aside, because as of this coming
Thursday at 12 midnight the last bus 160 will leave the Jerusalem central bus station
for Hebron. 


Immediately the next day, this Friday January 6, 2017 at 5:00 am, a new
series of lines will begin. 


* Bus 380 from Jerusalem to Kiryat Arba.

* Bus 381 from Jerusalem to Hebron and the Tomb of Machpela

* Bus 382 from Jerusalem to Kiryat Arba via Karmi Tsur


Is this change for the better? Time will tell, but the potential is there.
These lines will operate with mostly modern buses.


Birth pangs can be expected. But we hope these changes will improve the
quality of life for residents, visitors and all those who wish to walk in the footsteps
of our Biblical ancestors.


I didn’t sell my Honda, in case you were wondering.


– Elimelech Karzen 

Hebron, Israel




As of August 1, 2022, the Ministry of Transportation and
the National Authority for Public Transportation announce that Egged Taavura lines 380,
381, 382 and 383 will now travel directly from the Jerusalem Central Bus Station through
Menachem Begin Expressway and on to Kiryat Arba and Hebron. They will no longer pass
through the Gilo neighborhood of Jerusalem. This will make the travel distance shorter.
A new bus line, 384, has been added to Kiryat Arba that will pass through the Gilo


For more information, contact Kol Kav at *8787 or Electra Afikim at


The Egged-Taavura
website has route information including times and stops.


Other resources:




Bus 380 – Jerusalem to Kiryat Arba – passes through Neve Daniel, Elazar,
and Efrat

Bus 381 – Jerusalem to Kiryat Arba and Hebron – passes through Neve Daniel, Elazar, and

Bus 382 – Jerusalem to Kiryat Arba and Hebron – passes through Neve Daniel, Elazar,
Efrat and Carmei Tzur

Bus 383 – Jerusalem to Kiryat Arba and Hebron

Bus 384 – Jerusalem to Kiryat Arba – passes through Gilo neighborhood, Neve Daniel,
Elazar, and Efrat

Plan your visit to Hebron today:


United States contact info:


1760 Ocean Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11230



In Israel contact the offices of the Jewish Community of Hebron at:




Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hebronofficial




Hebron Race and Half-Marathon

VIDEO: US Governor Mike Huckabee
Visits Hebron

Tel Aviv Theater to Perform in
Kiryat Arba for First Time


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