This year marks the 87th anniversary of the 1929 Hebron
massacre, known in Hebrew as “TARPAT” in which incited mobs murdered 67 people. Formerly
friendly neighbors turned on the Jewish community, then looted their homes, as the
British authorities turns a blind eye.
massacre, known in Hebrew as “TARPAT” in which incited mobs murdered 67 people. Formerly
friendly neighbors turned on the Jewish community, then looted their homes, as the
British authorities turns a blind eye.
A special conference and tour of the old city of Hebron will take place to
commemorate the watershed event on Wednesday August 10, 2016.
commemorate the watershed event on Wednesday August 10, 2016.
Sponsored by Midreshet Hebron – Hebron College, the all-day event will
culminate in a memorial service at the ancient Jewish cemetery where
the remains of the victims are buried.
culminate in a memorial service at the ancient Jewish cemetery where
the remains of the victims are buried.
This year marks the passing of 92-year-old Miriam Sasson, a child survivor
of the massacre, who supported the repatriation of the community to the abandoned
of the massacre, who supported the repatriation of the community to the abandoned
The academics who will speak at the conference have conducted new
interviews with the remaining survivors, who are now all in their 90s. Older interviews
have been posted on the internet and are accessible on a YouTube playlist of survivors
interviews with the remaining survivors, who are now all in their 90s. Older interviews
have been posted on the internet and are accessible on a YouTube playlist of survivors
The following is the schedule for the TARPAT conference:
Lectures – 10:00am –
1. Dr. Gershon Bar Kokhba of Hebron Academic College: The Jewish ghetto on
the eve of the massacre. Hebron is considered the only city in the Land of Israel which
had a Jewish ghetto.
the eve of the massacre. Hebron is considered the only city in the Land of Israel which
had a Jewish ghetto.
2. Uri Arnon, Bar-Ilan University – The British perspective. What was the
attitude of the British Mandate authorities toward the massacre?
attitude of the British Mandate authorities toward the massacre?
3. Dr. Yuval Arnon-Ohana, Ariel University – Palestinian Arab nationalism.
How could neighbors slaughter neighbors? What was the role of Haj Amin Al
How could neighbors slaughter neighbors? What was the role of Haj Amin Al
1:00pm -2:30pm lunch break and tour of Tomb of Machpela.
Tour of Hebron – 2:30pm –
1. Dr. Yoram Almachias, Hebron Academic College. The Avraham Avinu synagogue
and the antique Torah scrolls which were saved from the ransacking that followed the
and the antique Torah scrolls which were saved from the ransacking that followed the
2. Noam Arnon – Hebron History Museum at Beit Hadassah and 4D documentary
film “Touching Eternity”
film “Touching Eternity”
Memorial – 6:00pm –
Memorial service at ancient Jewish cemetery in Hebron in cooperation with the
religious council and local residents.
religious council and local residents.
NOTE: Lectures and tours will be in Hebrew.
* Remembering
the 1929 Hebron massacre – Jerusalem Post coverage of
the 1929 Hebron massacre – Jerusalem Post coverage of
* Hebron website page
on 1929 massacre (including in-depth articles)
on 1929 massacre (including in-depth articles)
To visit the 1929 TARPAT memorial and other sites in Hebron:
United States contact info:
1760 Ocean Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11230
In Israel contact the offices of the Jewish Community of Hebron at: