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Despite Rain, 25,000 Flock to Hebron for Passover

Despite the last minute cancellation of the main event due to rain, about
25,000 people arrived in Hebron during the two days of chol hamoed Passover this year.
The normal outdoor concert was to feature top-name acts in the Jewish and Israeli music


Tours of the city took place including the 4D movie “Touching Eternity,” at
the Hebron Visitors Center.  


Of special interest was the visit to the Tomb of Otniel Ben Knaz, the
first judge of Israel. This historic burial chamber is located in the PA controlled side
of the city and access is permitted usually only once or twice a year, on


Israel Defense Force region commander Eitan Dana spoke to Israel
National News
about the holiday stating “there is no better time to take the
family and act on the words of the popular song ‘get up and walk the Land of Israel with
a backpack and stick.’ For me personally, it is exciting to see the hundreds of
visitors, civilians alongside Jewish tourists from the diaspora, Israelis from all
sectors, enter the secured premises of the tomb of Otniel Ben Knaz who, according to
tradition, is the relative of Caleb Ben Yefuneh, one of the 12 spies sent to scout the
Land of Israel after the exodus from Egypt. We feel pride and a sense of mission to be
securing the tomb.”


The most popular site in Hebron of course was the Tomb of Machpela, the
2,000-year-old complex that houses the underground Caves where the Biblical Matriarchs
and Patriarchs are buried.  On Thursday, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of
Tzfat, led services in the Cave of Machpela, including a musical hallel prayer.
Musicians brought in their instruments as worshipers crowded around to sing and



The Hall of Isaac & Rebecca, the largest in the complex was open
for Jewish visitors during the two days, attracting masses. Due to the rotation
agreement with the Muslim Waqf, the Machepla Cave is divided into Jewish and Muslim
sections. The Hall of Isaac & Rebecca is open ten days a year for exclusive access
for each religion,cooresponding to various holidays.  


Also open for tours was the Casbah,today a bustling Arab marketplace parallel
to King David Street / Shuhada
Before the 1929 massacre, the area was part of the Jewish neighborhood
and old Jewish houses with holes in the doorposts for a mezuzah are still visible. The
tour-guides pointed out such former Jewish landmarks a Kabbalists’


The next big event for the Jewish Community of Hebron is the 50th anniversary
celebration for the liberation of the city which will take place on May 25,


A ceremony featuring cabinet ministers, Members of Knesset, and public
figures. The guests of honor will be the founding members of the




For information on transportation and more: 


United States contact info:


1760 Ocean Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11230



Israeli contact info:




Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hebronofficial




2016 Passover Music Festival to
Mark 50th Anniversary of Hebron Liberation

30,000 Attend Hebron Passover
Festival, 2016

VIDEO: Thousands Celebrate
Passover in Hebron


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