Hundreds of women demonstrated today at the Gush Etzion junction
where two attacks took place over the past week resulting in the murder of four Jews –
three in a shooting attack last week including an 18-year-old American student Ezra
Schwartz, and one, Hadar Buchris, 21, in a stabbing attack there
where two attacks took place over the past week resulting in the murder of four Jews –
three in a shooting attack last week including an 18-year-old American student Ezra
Schwartz, and one, Hadar Buchris, 21, in a stabbing attack there
The protesters, mothers and and students living in the area, came to the junction by bus
and private car from Efrat, Migdal Oz, Kfar Etzion and other local Jewish
Gush Etzion Regional Council director Davidi Perl addressed the crowd and called for
security, but stressed that police and military measures are only bandaids if the
underlying root measures are not taken. “We must roll back the Two-State Solution and
assert Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank]”, he
Though not in time for them to defend the recent victims, stricter security measures are
being implemented at the junction including the construction of new fences, a rerouting
of Arab traffic to bypass the junction, new concrete blocks to counter car-ramming
attacks at the bus stops, and the deployment of more soldiers.
Israel felt the brunt of the renewed Jihad attack-wave today as terrorist stabbed to
death a 20-year-old IDF soldier and injured a young women at a gas station on highway
443, while in another incident an elderly Arab was stabbed by two female teen terrorists
near Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda open air market.
The Gush Etzion junction has been the scene of 9 murders since this current wave of
terror began. PM Netanyahu came to the junction and spoke at the scene saying that among
other security measures, he is considering taking away work permits from the families of