
Martyrs of the 1929 Riots in Hebron

18th of Av is the day of remembrance for the 1929 massacre in Hebron (August 24, 1929).


Rioting took place throughout the country, in which about 150 Jewish residents were murdered, out of about 150,000 Jews who lived in the Land of Israel. The official number is 133, but it does not include Jews who were wounded, suffered terrible agony and later died. Also in Hebron, the official number is 67, but two more died later from wounds sustained in the riots.


For comparison, imagine, God forbid, one out of a thousand terrorist victims today – about 7000 within a week.

Describing the massacre itself is unspeakably horrific. Photographs of some of the dead and wounded appear on the

Hebron website. The photographs are difficult to view.


Below is a list of the victims of the 1929 riots in Hebron.


The names of those not buried in Hebron are marked with an asterisk *

The names of those who were injured and died later are marked with a hashtag #.


“Sing aloud, O ye nations, of His people; for He doth avenge the blood of His servants, and doth render vengeance to His adversaries, and doth make expiation for the land of His people.”  – Deuteronomy 32:43.


Abu-Hannah, Yitzhak; 70

Abushadid, Eliyahu; 55

Abushadid, Yitzhak; 22

Unger, Nechama; 22  *

Unger, Shlomo; 22

Orlansky, Avraham Yaakov; 50

Orlansky, Yente; 47

Imerman, Noah; 33

Epstein, Aharon David; 16

Broida, Simcha-Yitzhak; 28

Berman, William Ze’ev (Wolf); 23

Bernstein, Shmuel Isaac; 26

Gozlan, Yaakov; 45

Gozlan, Moshe; 19

Gutlevsky, Aharon Leib; 73

Gutman, Asher Moshe; 55

Gutman, Hava; 55

Goldshmid, Moshe; 31

Grodzensky, Leah; 28

Grodzensky, Yaakov; 22

Grodzensky, Moshe; 54 

Greenberg, Ze’ev (Wolf); 19

Gershon, Esther; 22

Gershon, Ben Zion; 73

Gershon, Zehava; 40

Dobnikov, Haim-Eliezer; 46

Dobnikov, Peninna; 45

Dribkin, Zvi; 64

Hurwitz, Benjamin HaLevi; 20 

Heller, Zvi Hirsch; 15 *

Woichek, Reuven  20 *#

Wexler, Jacob (Yaakov); 17 

Ben Gershon (Volensky), Yisrael Shlomo Zalman; 27

Heichal, Eliyahu Dov; 16

Heichal, Israel-Arieh; 20

Hansson, Esther Frieda; 68 *

Hasson, Hanoch; 62

Hasson, Klara; 59

Yagel, Shlomo; 24

Yenni, Avraham; 59

Yenni, Vida; 44

Cohen, Shimon; 27

Lazarovsky, Betzalel; 38

Lazarovsky, Deborah; 4  *

Lazarovsky, Israel; 1

Lichtenstein, Zeev Elimelech; 58

Lipin, Dov; 26

Mitavsky, Meshulam Shraga; 26 *  

Segal, Nachman; 30

Menachem Segal, 2

Slonim, Eliezer Dan; 29

Slonim, Hannah; 27

Slonim, Aharon; 5 *

Samarik, Betzalel; 75

Senderov, Eliyahu Yissachar; 17

Palatzi, Alter; 29

Froman, Zvi (Harry);  21

Castel, Meir Shmuel; 69 

Krasner, Haim Zeleg; 16

Kaplinsky, Yisrael Hillel; 22

Capilouto, Eliyahu; 37  #

Kaplan, Yisrael Mordechai; 22

Rosenholtz, Shmuel HaLevi; 24

Reizmann, Yaakov Ze’ev; 35

Reizmann, Moshe; 17

Ripes, Moshe Aharon; 25

Shainberg, Aharon David; 22

Shapira, Avraham; 18

Sher, Haim Shalom Alter; 24


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