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New Historical Mysteries Uncovered in Hebron

Thousands of guests are expected this Shabbat for Parshat Chayei
Sarah in Hebron and this year they will be able to experience new archaeological


In addition to the newly inaugurated Tel Hevron archaeological garden which
in under the auspices of the Israeli Parks and Nature Authority, researchers have
uncovered other mysteries. 


Sha’arei Me’arat HaMachpela, the gates of the Cave of the Patriarchs have up
until now been assumed to be located deep inside an adjacent building connected to
the massive 2,000-year-old Herodian complex. But recently Dr. Gershon Bar Kokhba, a
resident of Hebron and author of a book on the subject, discovered an existing
entrance at the entry level to the Tomb of the Patriarchs which are most likely the
original gates. 


Another discovery in the Cave of the Patriarchs are inscriptions in both
Hebrew and Greek from the Byzantine period (the Mishnaic and Talmudic periods), which
attest to the Jewish presence in the cave during this era. The details and analysis of
these inscriptions are part of a comprehensive study of the Cave of Machpela that was
recently carried out by Noam Arnon for the Department of Land of Israel Studies at
Bar-Ilan University.


Meanwhile in the ancient Jewish cemetery of Hebron, located elsewhere in the
old city of Hebron, the discovery was made of the inscription on a tombstone.
The name Sarah was engraved in the upper part of the cemetery, next to the
gravestone of the 16th century kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Azulai.


As is well known, no names were inscribed on the gravestones in the ancient
cemetery in Hebron, a unique tradition that dated back to past generations. Maps and
charts identified each grave, or the Jewish inhabitants who lived in the city for
generations simply relied on their memories in the close-knit


These new discoveries are just part of the history that will greet
the tens of thousands of guests who are expected to arrive in the city over the
weekend. And of course, the modern community is ready to great them with a massive
hospitality tent, including food, drink and other accommodations to make this a Shabbat
to remember. 


Special tours that take place during the weekend are the Hall of Isaac and
Rebecca, a section of the Machpela complex that includes the actual entrance into the
underground double cave. Tours of the historic casbah and Tomb of Otniel Ben Knaz will
also take place.


The Hebron Fund will be again sponsoring a special program for English
speakers. The VIP weekend program including three catered meals with Members of Knesset,
IDF commanders and soldiers, and leaders of the Jewish Community of Hebron. Inspiring
Shabbat prayers will be led by Chazzan Sruli Hersh and Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum. On Shabbat
morning there will be a hot kiddush, followed by tours of the city, special speakers and
discussions. This year’s guest speakers will be Caroline Glick, deputy managing editor
of the Jerusalem Post and law professor Eugene Kontorovich of the Kohelet Policy


To register and/or to sponsor a soldier(s), please submit your payment below
or call our office (718) 677-6886. For more information click
here: https://www.hebronfund.org/parshat-chayei-sarah-november-2-3-2018/




United States contact info:


1760 Ocean Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11230



Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hebronofficial

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hebronfund

Israeli contact info:




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hebron.machpela

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hebronvideo



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