“My Israel” chairwoman Sara Haetzni-Cohen tours Hebron in this viral
Let’s talk about Hebron. But first, some facts:
Hebron is an ancient city located 40 kilometers south of Jerusalem in the
Judean Hill’s. The city has over 200,000 residents, mostly Arabs who live in
an area of close to 30 square miles which some consider “occupied” and others the
Biblical homeland.
Judean Hill’s. The city has over 200,000 residents, mostly Arabs who live in
an area of close to 30 square miles which some consider “occupied” and others the
Biblical homeland.
Truth be told, the situation here is far from ideal. Empty marketplaces,
roadblocks, closed off streets are part of daily life in Hebron. I grew up here as a
child and I can remember a different and better reality. But finding solutions for
Hebron requires first understanding the complex reality.
roadblocks, closed off streets are part of daily life in Hebron. I grew up here as a
child and I can remember a different and better reality. But finding solutions for
Hebron requires first understanding the complex reality.
Some organizations are very “selective” with the information they choose
to share. I’m here to give you the full picture.
to share. I’m here to give you the full picture.
We are now on King David Street, a.k.a Shuhada Street. PART of this
street is blocked to the Arab population and all stores are closed. Before we go into
the reason for the closed stores, let’s put things into proportion. Is the Arab
population of Hebron trapped? Is its economy paralyzed because this street was
closed? FAR from that.
street is blocked to the Arab population and all stores are closed. Before we go into
the reason for the closed stores, let’s put things into proportion. Is the Arab
population of Hebron trapped? Is its economy paralyzed because this street was
closed? FAR from that.
The over 200,000 Arabs living in Hebron run 17,000 businesses which gross 5
billion shekels per year and approximately 40% of the Palestinian Gross National
Product. How free are they? Let’s look at the map. Arab residents of Hebron can move
freely throughout 97% of the city. They are also allowed to enter the remaining 3% after
a security check. One exception is a tiny 1,000 feet stretch of one
billion shekels per year and approximately 40% of the Palestinian Gross National
Product. How free are they? Let’s look at the map. Arab residents of Hebron can move
freely throughout 97% of the city. They are also allowed to enter the remaining 3% after
a security check. One exception is a tiny 1,000 feet stretch of one
Now let’s see what happens when I try to cross to the Arab side of the
“I’d like to cross to the other side”
IDF patrol officer: “I’m sorry, you can’t.”
“Why, because I’m Israel?”
IDF patrol officer: “Yes”
Now that we’ve put things into proportion, one might ask: why does Israel
limit Arab’s access to even a tiny part of Hebron? The answer is simple.
limit Arab’s access to even a tiny part of Hebron? The answer is simple.
In the place were I stand now, a ten-month old baby girl Shalhevet Pass was
murdered by a Palestinian sniper. In the bus stop right over here, a booby-trapped teddy
bear was placed with the intention of murdering children waiting for pick-up after
school. In this marketplace, which was once crowded and busy, there were hundreds of
terror attacks against Jews by Arab terrorists who abused the proximity and daily
friction between Jews and Arabs in order to carry out close range
murdered by a Palestinian sniper. In the bus stop right over here, a booby-trapped teddy
bear was placed with the intention of murdering children waiting for pick-up after
school. In this marketplace, which was once crowded and busy, there were hundreds of
terror attacks against Jews by Arab terrorists who abused the proximity and daily
friction between Jews and Arabs in order to carry out close range
So eventually in 2001, the Army’s conclusion which was also examined and
approved by the Supreme Court was to create separation between the Jewish and Arab
population. Most store owners whose stores were closed received financial compensation
or reopened their stores in the new business district of Hebron.
approved by the Supreme Court was to create separation between the Jewish and Arab
population. Most store owners whose stores were closed received financial compensation
or reopened their stores in the new business district of Hebron.
In short: Terror was the cause and this empty street is the
Jews have lived in Hebron for thousands of years except for limited periods
of time such as after the 1929 pogrom when 67 Jews were murdered and the community
driven out. In other words, the Jewish presence in Hebron is natural and
of time such as after the 1929 pogrom when 67 Jews were murdered and the community
driven out. In other words, the Jewish presence in Hebron is natural and
United States contact info:
1760 Ocean Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hebronofficial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hebronfund
Israeli contact info:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hebron.machpela
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hebronvideo
* The Truth About Shuhada
* “Open Shuhada Street” Stages
Media Stunt in Hebron
* Kentucky Fried Chicken in
Hebron – The Region’s Most Advanced City
United States contact info:
1760 Ocean Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hebronofficial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hebronfund
Israeli contact info:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hebron.machpela
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hebronvideo
* The Truth About Shuhada
* “Open Shuhada Street” Stages
Media Stunt in Hebron
* Kentucky Fried Chicken in
Hebron – The Region’s Most Advanced City