Excitement is growing for the annual Shabbat Hebron scheduled for the weekend
of Parshat Chayei Sarah. The weekly Torah portion that discusses the ancient Jewish city
and the Tomb of Machpela is the perfect time to visit the holy site, and thousands do so
every year.
of Parshat Chayei Sarah. The weekly Torah portion that discusses the ancient Jewish city
and the Tomb of Machpela is the perfect time to visit the holy site, and thousands do so
every year.
The Hebron Fund’s special program for English speakers offers the opportunity
to experience this unique Shabbat with trained tour guides, special catered meals and
the chance to interact with members of Knesset and top movers and shakers on the scene
such as Caroline Glick and Eugene Kontorovich.
to experience this unique Shabbat with trained tour guides, special catered meals and
the chance to interact with members of Knesset and top movers and shakers on the scene
such as Caroline Glick and Eugene Kontorovich.
Shabbat Hebron has humble beginnings in the 1990s and today has grown to
thousands with last year’s weekend breaking the record at 35,000 people. The highlight
of course is the Tomb of Machpela complex, built 2,000 years ago by King Herod the Great
to house the Cave of the Matriarchs & Patriarchs.
thousands with last year’s weekend breaking the record at 35,000 people. The highlight
of course is the Tomb of Machpela complex, built 2,000 years ago by King Herod the Great
to house the Cave of the Matriarchs & Patriarchs.
The atmosphere of Shabbat Hebron is both festive and with a sense of purpose.
Tents dot the lawn across the the Cave of the Patriarchs as people camp out and picnic
for Shabbat. Of course the reading of Parshat Chayei Sarah takes on a greater
significance, as one stands in the Tomb of Machpela while hearing of our Abraham
purchased the site as a final resting place for his beloved wife Sarah. After Shabbat,
the festive scene continues as music fills the streets from BBQs.
Tents dot the lawn across the the Cave of the Patriarchs as people camp out and picnic
for Shabbat. Of course the reading of Parshat Chayei Sarah takes on a greater
significance, as one stands in the Tomb of Machpela while hearing of our Abraham
purchased the site as a final resting place for his beloved wife Sarah. After Shabbat,
the festive scene continues as music fills the streets from BBQs.
Special tours that take place during the weekend are the Hall of Isaac and
Rebecca, a section of the Machpela complex that includes the actual entrance into the
underground double cave. Tours of the historic casbah and Tomb of Otniel Ben Knaz will
also take place.
Rebecca, a section of the Machpela complex that includes the actual entrance into the
underground double cave. Tours of the historic casbah and Tomb of Otniel Ben Knaz will
also take place.
The Hebron Fund will be again sponsoring a special program for English
speakers. The VIP weekend program including three catered meals with Members of Knesset,
IDF commanders and soldiers, and leaders of the Jewish Community of Hebron. Inspiring
Shabbat prayers will be led by by Chazzan Sruli Hersh and Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum. On
Shabbat morning there will be a hot kiddush, followed by tours of the city, special
speakers and discussions. This year’s guest speakers will be Caroline Glick, deputy
managing editor of the Jerusalem Post and law professor Eugene Kontorovich of the
Kohelet Policy Forum.
speakers. The VIP weekend program including three catered meals with Members of Knesset,
IDF commanders and soldiers, and leaders of the Jewish Community of Hebron. Inspiring
Shabbat prayers will be led by by Chazzan Sruli Hersh and Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum. On
Shabbat morning there will be a hot kiddush, followed by tours of the city, special
speakers and discussions. This year’s guest speakers will be Caroline Glick, deputy
managing editor of the Jerusalem Post and law professor Eugene Kontorovich of the
Kohelet Policy Forum.
To register and/or to sponsor a soldier(s), please submit your payment below
or call our office (718) 677-6886. For more information click
here: https://www.hebronfund.org/parshat-chayei-sarah-november-2-3-2018/
or call our office (718) 677-6886. For more information click
here: https://www.hebronfund.org/parshat-chayei-sarah-november-2-3-2018/
Early-Bird Special now through October 15- $600/person (after October 15
Early-Bird Special now through October 15- $600/person (after October 15
Parent with a child (through college age)- $900 (after October 15 – $1,000)
Thursday and Friday programing- $100 per day, per person.
Parent with a child (through college age)- $900 (after October 15 – $1,000)
Thursday and Friday programing- $100 per day, per person.
Cant join us? Give soldiers a break.
Contact our office for sponsorship opportunities.
Contact our office for sponsorship opportunities.
United States contact info:
1760 Ocean Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hebronofficial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hebronfund
Israeli contact info:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hebron.machpela
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hebronvideo
* 35,000 Attend Shabbat
Hebron – Parshat Chayei Sarah – 2017
* Chayei Sarah – Thousands of
Israelis Visit Biblical City – 2015
* Inauguration of Tel Hevron
Archaeological Garden
Hebron – Parshat Chayei Sarah – 2017
* Chayei Sarah – Thousands of
Israelis Visit Biblical City – 2015
* Inauguration of Tel Hevron
Archaeological Garden