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UNESCO Again Calls Hebron Part of “Occupied Palestine”

(PHOTO: Outgoing US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki
Haley voting to support Israel. Her resignation came the same week as yet another
anti-Israel statement from a UN body.)


Two declarations sponsored by the representatives of Egypt, Jordan,
Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar and Sudan passed in the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization attacking Israel.


International spokesman for the Jewish Community of Hebron Yishai Fleisher
called it “nothing but national-identity theft. The jihad uses UNESCO as a legitimate
face in their mission to delegitimize the Jewish people’s rights to the land of Israel,
so they can continue their war against us.”


The latest documents are not resolutions, but annexes to declarations that
were approved by the Programme and External Relations Commission of the Executive
Board of UNESCO on Wednesday October 10, 2018.


The pertinent sections of annex in question reads: 


13. Reaffirms that the two concerned sites located in
Al-Khalil/Hebron and in Bethlehem are an integral part of the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, and shares the conviction affirmed by the international community that
the two sites are of religious significance for Judaism, Christianity and


14. Deplores the ongoing Israeli excavations, works, construction
of private roads for settlers and of a Wall inside the Old City of Al-Khalil/Hebron
which are illegal under international law and harmfully affect the authenticity and
integrity of the site, and the subsequent denial of freedom of movement and freedom
of access to places of worship and asks Israel, the occupying Power, to end all
violations which are not in conformity with the provisions of relevant UNESCO
conventions, resolutions and decisions; 


It is unclear what “wall” exists in the “Old City” [i.e. Israeli section] of
Hebron, or to which roads the declaration refers, since the Jewish community has
access to only 1% of Hebron and any construction or even moving to an apartment
needs to be approved by the Defense Ministry. Also, many interpret UN Security
Council Resolution 446 as having no relevance to Israel’s control of Judea and Samaria
because it is part of the historic homeland of the Jewish people.


Hebron is a prime example of Jewish communities existing millenia before
the Six Day War of 1967, yet ironically, Muslim nations use it as an example of
Israeli aggression. The 2012 Levy Report on the Legal Status of Building in Judea and
Samaria is an 89-page report that declares Israel’s presence in the West Bank
not to be an occupation as defined in the Fourth Geneva Convention.



Also flying in the face of the new UNESCO declarations is the fact that the
Palestinian Authority controlled part of the Hebron is completely off limits to
Israelis, despite containing four holy sites specifically approved for access
in the 1997 Hebron
. These sites are: Ein Sarah, Elonei Mamre, the Cave
of Otniel Ben Knaz and
the Oak of


The other section of the UNESCO declaration released on
Wednesday condemns Israel for harming “the Old City of Jerusalem and
its Walls, a site inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List and on the List of
World Heritage in Danger.”


The Jerusalem Post reported that Nicolas Kassianides, UNESCO’s assistant
director-general for external relations, as welcoming “the spirit of constructive
dialogue that enabled to reach a consensus,” and “confirms the positive momentum
that started last year, especially on this subject which is very


It was in July of 2017 that the Palestinian Authority through
their Alternate Permanent Delegate of Palestine to UNESCO succeeded in
manipulating UNESCO into declaring Hebron’s Tomb of the Matriarchs and Patriarchs a
“Palestinian world heritage site in danger.” As a result, United States ambassador
to the UN Nikki Haley oversaw the US withdrawal from UNESCO and Israel shortly after
followed suit.


In protest, Ambassador Haley wrote a letter to the the UN Secretary
General stating, “the Tomb of the Patriarchs, which is sacred to three faiths, is
in no immediate threat. Such a designation risks undermining the seriousness such
an assessment by UNESCO should have. Many precious sites — from the
Democratic Republic of Congo to Libya to Iraq to Syria — are under real and
imminent threat of destruction today. They urgently demand UNESCO’s full and
immediate attention, which should not be wasted on this sort of symbolic



Ambassador Haley later stated of the incident, “At the UN and throughout the
UN agencies, Israel does get bullied. It gets bullied because the countries that
don’t like Israel are used to being able to get away with it. Just like when I was
that little girl in South Carolina, that just doesn’t sit well with me. As many of
you know, one of the UN agencies with the worst track record of Israel bias is
UNESCO. Among many other ridiculous things, UNESCO has the outrageous distinction
of attempting to change ancient history. UNESCO recently declared one of
Judaism’s holiest sites, the Tomb of the Patriarchs, as a Palestinian heritage site
in need of protection from Israel. That was enough. Ten months into this
administration, the United States withdrew from UNESCO.” 

Haley, who had been an ardent supporter of reform in the United Nations retired from her
postion on October 9, 2018.



Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later spoke at the United Nations where
he mocked the resolution stating, “So is there no limit to the UN’s absurdities
when it comes to Israel? Well, apparently not. Because in July, UNESCO declared the
Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron a Palestinian World Heritage Site. That’s worse
than fake news; that’s fake history. Mind you, it’s true that Abraham, the father
of both Ishmael and Isaac, is buried there, but so, too, are Isaac, Jacob,
Sarah, Rebecca – Sarah’s a Jewish name, by the way – Sarah, Rebecca and Leah, who
just happened to be patriarchs and matriarchs of the Jewish people.
Well, you won’t read about that in the latest UNESCO report, but if
you want to, you can read about it in a somewhat weightier publication. It’s called
‘the Bible.’
I highly recommend it. I hear it even got four and a
half out of five stars on Amazon. And it’s a great read. I read it every



Carmel Shama-Hacohen, Israel’s representative to UNESCO until this
year was able to hammer out a “compromise” in which future anti-Israel resolutions
would adopted as an annex, and not within the body of the text. Shama-Hacohen
credited the newly appointed head of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay as attempting to curtail
Arab countries manipulation of the UN system. Thus some officials saw this week’s
declarations as a small but positive step as opposed to the previous resolutions since
they were passed by consensus as non-binding annexes, the JNS


Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon stated “This is
further evidence—for anyone who did not understand why the United States and Israel
withdrew from UNESCO—that again proves that UNESCO is a body based on lies and biases,
and is deliberately acting against us. The State of Israel will not be a member of an
organization that is trying to rewrite history and willing to be manipulated by our
enemies. The State of Israel will not be a member of an organization that is trying
to rewrite history and willing to be manipulated by our enemies.”







United States contact info:


1760 Ocean Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11230



Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hebronofficial

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hebronfund

Israeli contact info:




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hebron.machpela

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hebronvideo



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