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VIDEO: US Governor Mike Huckabee Visits Hebron

Former United States Governor from Arkansas Mike Huckabee
visited Hebron this week as part of a tour of Judea and Samaria. 


Joining him were long-time Jewish-American supporters such as Dr. Joe Frager,
Helen Freedman, and veteran Hebron spokesperson David Wilder who led the


Mr. Huckabee led the state of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007 and was a
front-runner for the candidacy for United States president twice. He met with local
residents, Israel Defense Force soldiers and visited the Tomb of Machepla,
burial site of the Biblical Matriarchs and Patriarchs.




He spoke to Israel National News about his experiences


“This is one of the most unique places on earth and a special and holy site
to people of faith and the joy is to be able to be here.  The tragedy is there are
so many restrictions that exist because many of the Muslims do not want it to
be uncovered. I think it’s a wonderful picture of the contrast between the
cultures. One culture, the Jewish culture, is to reveal, to uncover. And another culture
is to conceal, to hide, to keep closed. That’s unfortunate because the ability
to access the caves would be one of the greatest archaeological opportunities in
the history of mankind. To not be able to pursue that, even doing it in the greatest of
respect for all that it represents, is a really sad commentary that there are people who
want to cover the truth rather the expose the truth. But the good news, for those of us
who believe in God, is that truth ultimately overcomes darkness. Light always wins over
the dark. And it can’t be hidden. We are comforted by the fact that light


Question: What is your message to the United


Answer: I don’t know if they would understand my
message but if I had a message to give to the UN it would be that I’m standing in a
place that has been indigenous to the Jews for 4,000 years. To say that the Jews don’t
belong here is like saying Texans don’t being in Dallas. It’s absurd. I don’t think that
would go over very well with Dallas, and I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t go over very
well here to say the Jews don’t belong in Hebron. Of course they do. It’s a
remarkable point on planet Earth and it should be a place that’s as free and open and
accessible as any spot on the earth, especially to give people the opportunity to come
and to recognize what a enormous part of history is played here in Hebron.


Question: Do you recommend that the new
president visit here?


Answer: I would love for him to come. And I
think he would find it as extraordinary as I do. I would recommend that he come on one
of the ten days of the year that he can go into the the inner chamber.


Mr. Huckabee is the latest in along list of current and former elected
officials from around the world who have come to visit and support the Jewish Community
of Hebron.

Plan your visit to Hebron today:


United States contact info:


1760 Ocean Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11230



In Israel contact the offices of the Jewish Community of Hebron at:




Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hebronofficial




Australian MP Visits Hebron with
Knesset Member

* 30,000 Attend Succot Festival in
Hebron, Leaders from Abroad Visit

United States Senator Mike Lee
Visits Hebron


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