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Yom Kippur in Hebron

In the tradition of Hebron hospitality, the Jewish community provided
meals and accommodations for the many visitors that came to spend Yom Kippur services in
the city.


Like the open tent of the Biblical Abraham and Sarah, the local community
provided tents and beds for the crowd. Beds were also set up in the Gutnick Center, the
nearby restaurant and catering hall. Services for the Day of Atonement were held in
the historic Tomb of Machpela complex, ancient burial site of the Biblical
founding fathers and mothers.

Meals for before and after the fast were prepared by the



באוהלים, בקרוואנים מדוגמים, במתחמי האירוח הציבורי וגם ביחידת האירוח שלנו. יום
הכיפורים במערת המכפלה, אצל האבות והאימהות. בכל תנאי. גמר חתימה טובה!!

Posted by ‎אלימלך
‎ on Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Now Hebron is focusing on Sukkot and the annual music festival in which
thousands are expected.


For more information on the Sukkot festival click here.




Hebron is the setting for a classic Yom Kippur story attributed as the
source for the name of the Avraham
Avinu synagogue


The following is a translation of the original as it appeared in
Emek HaMelekh by Rabbi Naftali ben Jacob Elhanan Bacharach, printed
in Amsterdam in 1648.


Let me tell you, O children of the living God, about the wonderful thing that
happened in Hebron on Yom Kippur. Now you must know that there are not always ten men in
Hebron to worship publicly; it is only on Sabbaths and holidays that people from the
villages assemble there so that they can pray with a quorum of ten and more; but all the
inhabitants of Hebron are very pious.


Now it came to pass one Yom Kippur eve that there were only nine men in
Hebron, and the inhabitants of Hebron waited for the villagers to come, but no one of
them came. For they had all gone to Jerusalem the holy city, may it be rebuilt and
reestablished speedily in our days, since it is nearby, being only a distance of a
quarter of a day’s travel away. So they were in great sorrow, lest they each be forced
to pray alone on Yom Kippur, and they wept bitterly.


Now the sun had already sunk, and it was very late. And it came to pass that
they lifted their eyes, and, lo and behold, an old man coming from the distance; and
they rejoiced exceedingly when they saw him. Now when he had come up to them they set
the Concluding Meal before him that he might eat; but he blessed and thanked them and
said that he had already eaten on the way. So they prayed on the holy day, and honored
the man highly. At the close of Yom Kippur they feel into a dispute, for every one
wanted to take the guest to his home. Finally they decided to cast lots, and the guest
fell to the lot of the cantor, who was a pious man and related wonderful dreams and
visions of night. 


So the cantor went homeward, the guest following after him. When the cantor
came near his home, he turned around to honor the guest and allow him to enter the house
first – and he looked, and lo and behold, he was gone. They sought him but could not
find him anywhere about. Then they were all greatly saddened, for they thought that he
had gone on his way in the night, because he had not wished to partake of their


But on that night, the old man visited the cantor in a dream, and told him
that he was our father Abraham, peace be upon him, who had come to complete their
quorum, for he saw they were in great sorrow, lest they should each have to pray alone.
And they rejoiced greatly and blessed the great God for having done wondrous deeds.
Amen, and so be His will. 


[Emek ha-Melekh] (kabbalistic compendium) by Naftali ben Jacob
Elhanan Bacharach (16th century) Amsterdam, 1648, introduction page 14a –


This translation appeared in the English edition of Days
of Awe
by Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Schoken Books, 1948 .


Additional sources:

Heart is a Mirror: The Sephardic Folktale
by Tamar
Alexander-Frizer‏, chapter 5 page 122

* Ethical
Tales from the Kabbalah: Stories from the Kabbalistic Ethical Writings

by Aryeh Wineman‏ – Father Abraham Completes a Prayer
, page 80

* Encyclopedia
of Jewish Folklore and Traditions
by Raphael Patai‏, page

* Folktales
of the Jews, V. 3
(Tales from Arab Lands) by Dan Ben Amos‏ – The
Tenth Man in Hebron, chapter 1 page 2



Hebron is also mentioned in the Mishna in Tractate Yoma, which describes the ancient Yom
Kippur service in detail. The Jewish community wished to begin the Yom Kippur
service on time with a watchman stationed to observe the sunrise. When the first
rays of morning light arrived, the watchman would call out “barkai!” to which
another officer would ask, “as far a Hebron?” The watchman would reply, ” yes, as
far as Hebron.” (Mishna Yoma, 3:1).


Commentators add that the mention of Hebron was a geographical landmark as
well as a historical tribute to the burial site of the founders of their faith at the
Tomb of



To arrange a guided tour of Hebron contact us:


United States contact info:


1760 Ocean Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11230



In Israel contact the offices of the Jewish Community of Hebron at:




Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hebronofficial




In Israel for Succot? Join our
VIP Succot celebration

Save the Date: Hebron Fund
Chayei Sarah Mission!

10,000 Visit Hebron for Sarit
Hadad Concert


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